StepStone Version 1.8 release date 7/18/2019

New Features for version 1.8

  • Expanded Intro and Conclusion Step Information Layout Options
    • Intro and Conclusion steps now have all common information layout options available (previously locked into just “Intro” or “Conclusion” layouts, respectively.)

  •  MultiMedia Grids
    • Info layout type with grid of multimedia launchers now available.  Similar to singular media launcher info layouts, media grids currently allow an arbitrary number of launchable media grid “blocks”, including a zooming image launcher, a PDF document launcher, and a Vimeo/YouTube launcher.
  • Matching Assessment
    • Provides a “stack” of independent matching groups, each with a question/match-statement and a list of available options from which the learner selects the best option. 
    • Can be used to create a single, compact step assessment that provides the equivalent of multiple, funneled-scoring SAMC-type assessments.
    • In addition to the common feedback text and media results, matching assessments provide optional, independently-toggled, detailed feedback elements to learners based on matching results (selection status, selection information, correct-choice information, and granular feedback info per-match-group).
  • Ranking Assessment
    • Provides a “stack” of identical, optionally-randomized selection lists for learners to rank and order.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Improvements to LMS communications with packaged SCORM modules.
  • Media uploads that fail to complete should no longer lock up the authoring tools, and are indicated in the upload process panel.
  • Improvements to multimedia interactions, navigation in the StepStone Player.
  • ADA/Assistive improvements to YouTube embedded player (assistive control strip) and Write-In Field List step assessments.
  • Additional ADA Descriptive text fields for pertinent elements are now available.
  • Introduction step erroneously allowed step assessment; this is now removed.
  • Assessment layout-type swapping improvements.
  • Improvements to the sign-in screen password recovery system.