As agriculture in Iowa has changed and grown, and concerns surrounding a global animal health incident have increased, the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS) has made a concerted effort to ensure that both Iowa producers and veterinarians…
VetEducator Releases Bone Pathology Slide Decks
Dr. Roy Pool, DVM, PhD, Clinical Professor, Veterinary Pathobiology, Texas A&M University shares his extensive archive of bone pathology slides to the public. Dr. Pool has collected common and uncommon bone pathology cases and examples for decades. The slideshows include…
Vanessa Manohar Joins CET
The next time you visit the Center for Educational Technologies (CET), stop by to meet the newest member of the team. In the fall of 2021, Vanessa Manohar joined the team as an executive assistant to CET Director and Instructional…
Year in Review
This December marks the 10th anniversary for the Center for Educational Technologies! Take a look at our highlights for the year
CET Welcomes New Instructional Designer
Bette Bittner joined the Center as an instructional designer in March 2021. Ms. Bittner holds a bachelor’s in technical communication with a minor in computer science from the University of Minnesota. She has over 17 years of experience in developing…
Gonzales Awarded Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship Grant to Study Needs of Producers Related to Foreign Animal Disease Preparedness
The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS) is funding a research study, led by Dr. Molly Gonzales, instructional assistant professor in the Department of Veterinary Integrative Biosciences, to conduct a qualitative study of Iowa livestock producers to determine…
Department of Justice Funds Texas A&M Research on Effects of Microlearning Resources
The National Institute of Corrections is funding the research proposal, led by Dr. Nicola Ritter, instructional assistant professor in the Department of Veterinary Integrative Biosciences, to study the impact of microlearning resources in the field of correctional work. These resources will…
CET Welcomes New Instructional Technologist
If you’re interested in sharing your course or training program online, contact the newest member of the team at the Center for Educational Technologies. Crystal Schibler joined the group as an Instructional Technologist on October 12, 2020. Ms. Schibler holds a bachelor’s degree…
Texas A&M Vet School Shares Online Curriculum with CVMs
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Professional Programs Office and the Center for Educational Technologies at Texas A&M University have shared a catalog of online veterinary medicine resources to CVMs across the globe. With universities moving to online education,…