CET Launches StepStone 1.7 Upgrade

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College Station, TX – Over the holiday break, the Center for Educational Technologies (CET) launched an upgrade to its innovative content authoring software, StepStone. StepStone allows educators to develop e-learning materials and experiences that can be accessed by users from any Internet-enabled device. The latest version of StepStone features new, sophisticated authoring tools that support users in creating interactive, media-enriched learning resources.


StepStone 1.7 Highlights

New Question Authoring Tools:

  • Multiple-Answer Multiple Choice (MAMC) Question Format
    • Simple, classic alternative to the SAMC (Single-Answer / Multiple-Choice) assessment. Allows the learner to select from a stack of one or more text- or media-based choices.
  • Advanced Multiple-Answer Multiple Choice (AMAMC) Question Format
    • A more powerful and flexible variant of the basic MAMC assessment.
    • The learner experience is functionally identical to the MAMC assessment — the complexity and depth of the AMAMC assessment is in the author’s hands.
  • Write-In / Field List Question Format
    • Our newest, “open-ended” assessment type where learners are presented with a simple stack of one or more single-line input fields.
    • Authors can assign groups of “synonymous” words and/or phrases that the learner attempts to match via correctly typing their answers into the supplied input fields.
screenshot of stepstone interface

The StepStone 1.7 upgrade is a direct response to user feedback and requests for additional features and advanced functionality. With these new advanced features, users will have greater flexibility in how they assess learners. StepStone is available through the Center for Educational Technologies. The Center hopes that use of the system will continue to foster creativity and interdisciplinary collaboration.

If you are interested in learning more about StepStone software, please visit the StepStone page and request a demo.