CET Partners with Faculty to Employ 3D Tech to Teach Cardiology

Texas A&M Foundation’s Spirit Magazine features an article profiling the work of Dr. Ashley Saunders and the CET’s Scott Birch on using multiple 3D technologies to enhance veterinary cardiology curriculum. Through innovative approaches such as CT-captured 3D digital images, 3D printed resin hearts  and virtual 3D interactive anatomical models, Saunders and Birch are setting new standards of teaching for schools across the globe.

“Imagine being able to follow the path of an artery in midair or the path of blood flow through a 3-D image,” Birch said. “Or imagine being able to show a resident veterinarian or a surgeon exactly where to cut before a surgery. The technology allows this.”

Read the full article:
 “A State-of-the-Art Heart”.