Dr. Roy Pool, DVM, PhD, Clinical Professor, Veterinary Pathobiology, Texas A&M University shares his extensive archive of bone pathology slides to the public. Dr. Pool has collected common and uncommon bone pathology cases and examples for decades.
The slideshows include seminars, lectures, and collections containing thousands of images and explanations of bone tumors; lesions; oral, dental, and pharyngeal disorders and tumors; and orthopedic disorders. Bette Bittner, Instructional Designer for the Center for Educational Technologies, curated the Bone Pathology Library in collaboration with Dr. Pool.
We welcome researchers, educators, and clinicians to review the extensive collections, download resources of interest, and use these resources in your own lectures and presentations at VetEducator.com/bone-path-library

Wow this is an amazing resource! My colleagues also would be very interested, and I will pass on the information. …. This area is so interesting; I continue to learn all the time.
Associate Professor, The Ohio State CVM
A huge thank you for making your slides available! What a great present.
Professor, UC Davis
There is no other similar reference in veterinary medicine that offers presentations that integrate radiographic and histopathology of skeletal and dental disorders with the intent of demonstrating how normal skeletal structure is altered by histopathologic remodeling responses driven by specific disorders and disease agents that create diagnostic radiographic patterns that can be specific to a disorder or at least provide a limited diagnostic differential radiographic diagnosis. This was the approach I used in teaching disorders of the musculoskeletal disease and was possible because of my training in orthopedic pathology and radiology of domestic animals and three courses in medical orthopedic pathology and radiology.
Dr. Roy Pool
Dr. Pool’s archive is the first to be made available on VetEducator.com. We, at the Center for Educational Technologies, are honored to play a small part in sharing this one-of-kind resource to the profession.
Dr. Nicola Ritter, Director of the Center for Educational Technologies & Instructional Associate Professor at Texas A&M University.

Access to the Bone Pathology Library was made possible by the Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences in the School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at Texas A&M University.
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