Roy Pool, DVM, PhD, Clinical Professor Emeritus,Veterinary Pathobiology, Texas A&M University, has shared his detailed stem cell slide decks with the public. The slide decks are an accumulation of decades of detailed documentation of Pool’s experiences working with stem cells.
A new set of complimentary slide decks has been released on the VetEducator website. Dr. Roy Pool and the Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at Texas A&M University shared a set of slide decks that cover stem cells: their origin, location, hierarchy, functions, and roles in neoplasia.

The stem cell slideshows include hundreds of radiographs, images, and sketches, along with descriptions and detailed commentary. Bette Bittner, Instructional Designer for the Center for Educational Technologies, curated the Stem Cell Library in collaboration with Dr. Pool.

We welcome researchers, educators, and clinicians to review the extensive collections, download resources of interest, and use these resources in your own lectures and presentations at VetEducator.com/stem-cell-library.
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