The Center for Educational Technologies creates high-impact solutions designed to address today’s educational challenges.

Get To Know Us
The Center for Educational Technologies (CET) was created to address classroom challenges by developing high-impact educational resources. Learn more about our story.

Collaborate With a Talented Team
We work with subject matter experts from all fields to create unique learning experiences. Our collaborations transform conventional instructional materials into interactive learning tools. Partner with us to create your own educational resources.

Generate Revenue From Your Big Ideas
With growing demand for our educational content, we launched our own business to deliver them to other organizations. Enlist our team to assist with the commercialization process.

Transform Your Curriculum
Our educational resources blend best practices in student-centered learning with innovative technologies. Other schools took note and wanted to use this content in their own curriculum. Explore how you can revamp your curriculum.

Deliver Your Content To Others
We needed a way to share our resources so we began delivering them on our own platform. Other organizations had the same challenge and noticed our streamlined solution. Deliver your content with us to track and report student progress.

Create Your Own Instructional Materials
Early on, our team recognized existing e-learning authoring tools didn’t meet all of our needs so we built our own, StepStone. Create your own instructional materials using our web-based software tool.


A group of facilitators and participants gathered at a sign-in table for the workshop. The sign reads Prairie View A&M University.

Creating Partnerships Between Veterinarians and Small and Medium-sized Ranchers to Enhance Profitability and Sustainability

August 15, 2023
The research team developed the first integrated interdisciplinary food animal patient-client-veterinary relationship (PCVR) workshop available for use by continuing education…
FADD CE course

Texas A&M Agrilife Launches Latest Foreign Animal Disease Investigation Trainings

April 27, 2023
Dr. Nicola Ritter, Instructional Associate Professor at Texas A&M University, completed National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program (NADPRP) research…
4 student workers pose with smiles in front of the CET logo

CET Celebrates Student Employees Supporting Faculty Research

April 11, 2023
Each year, colleges and universities across the country recognize the importance of the student employee experience during National Student Employment…