To kick-off summertime at the CVM, the Center for Educational Technologies welcomed faculty across the college to two lunch and learn workshops on the StepStone web-based authoring tool. The first Lunch & Learn entitled, “Introduction to StepStone,” provided participants with the opportunity to learn more about the StepStone platform and how the tool can be leveraged within their own classrooms or areas of work. The second Lunch & Learn, “Navigating New StepStone Features,” took a deep dive into the most recent StepStone upgrades and the development of branching case studies. Whether participants were new to StepStone or already an experienced user, the sessions each offered knowledge of new tools and resources that faculty can use within StepStone to build engaging learning experiences. For many attendees, this workshop helped faculty visualize how the StepStone software could further enhance their teaching and support student understanding of course content.
StepStone, developed by the Center for Educational Technologies, is a web-based authoring platform for producing interactive, media-enriched learning resources. From case studies to training modules, this authoring tool offers flexibility in design of the user experience. Through having a foundational understanding of the tool and the resources that can be created, faculty will become more comfortable and confident with authoring and development within StepStone.
Led by Molly Gonzales of the Center for Educational Technologies, the workshop explored not only how to use StepStone, but how to leverage the tool to mitigate challenges experienced in the classroom. According to Gonzales,
“The educational resources and case studies produced within StepStone offer faculty a new way to create engaging learning experiences, that can both teach new content and provide a space for learners to practice application of this new knowledge.”
Overall, these sessions gave participants food for thought and equipped them with the tools and resources needed to build their own resources within StepStone.
Be on the lookout this summer for more Lunch & Learn sessions hosted by the Center for Educational Technologies!