This past Tuesday, the Center for Educational Technologies (CET) welcomed faculty and staff to “Juggling Projects with Ease,” a lunch and learn packed with tools, tips and tricks for project management success.” In this workshop, participants explored different project management tools used by the CET to coordinate their multiple CVM, externally funded and entrepreneurial projects. Whether looking to oversee and organize projects for a team, or just seeking new methods for managing one’s own efforts and responsibility, every participant was able to walk away with a piece of advice or new resource they could implement into their current practice.
For many attendees this workshop helped open new doors to the different resources available for solving many of the everyday challenges faced when managing multiple tasks and efforts. Led by Michelle Wiederhold of the Center for Educational Technologies, the workshop explored how participants could incorporate these new tools and resources to mitigate the obstacles faced when trying to find balance in the midst of a demanding workload. It also allowed participants to visualize how these tools, when leveraged appropriately, can make a difference in one’s efficiency.

We live in a world where the quantity and quality of applications and tools for managing one’s work and practices is rapidly adapting to the needs of the user. By having a foundational understanding of the tools available to them to support the streamlining of their efforts, one will be better equipped to advance through projects in a thoughtful and organized manner. Working with new tools can be intimidating and confusing, however with practice and support those feelings can be replaced with confidence and a desire to explore other applications available. According to Wiederhold, “Managing multiple projects at one time can be overwhelming. The key is to establish a foundation for each project at the beginning based on the project deadline, deliverables and personnel needed to complete the work. Having forethought at the beginning helps the project stay on schedule and meet the established deadlines for the tasks at hand. There are many tools available to help with this and it is worth investing in them to save time and money in the long run.”
Overall, this workshop was a clever session of discussion and examples, with attendees having the opportunity to share their own experience and seek advice on strategy from their peers.
Be on the lookout for more Lunch & Learn sessions this year hosted by the Center for Educational Technologies!