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CET Faculty Awarded Texas A&M University Division of Research Grant

College Station, TX – Drs. Nicola Ritter, Molly Gonzales, and Karen Cornell at the College of Veterinary Medicine at Texas A&M University, were awarded a $25,000 seed grant from the Division of Research’s Program to Enhance Scholarly and Creative Activities…
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Center for Educational Technologies & Staff Receive 2018 GoWeb Award for Transformational Learning & Innovation

The Center for Educational Technologies (CET) is the recipient of the 2018 GoWeb Award for Transformational Learning. The CET has earned this award for their contributions to transform learning at Texas A&M University. The CET’s submitted portfolio is available at…
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Texas A&M University and Cornell University join Forces to Advance Research in Veterinary Medicine Education and Expand Pipeline for Underrepresented Students

The $300,000 federal grant will fund research to develop and study the impact of a comprehensive collection of competency-based educational resources on antimicrobial resistance to aid veterinary education programs throughout the United States. Dr. Kevin Cummings, principal investigator for Cornell…
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CVM Welcomes New Director of the Center for Educational Technologies

The College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences has selected Dr. Nicola L. Ritter, an instructional assistant professor in the Department of Veterinary Integrative Biosciences, as the director of the Center for Educational Technologies (CET). Dr. Ritter assumed her new…